Investigating the interaction of children through NUI in e- learning applications

  • Elisa Marques de Castro Castro
  • Luciana Martinez Zaina Zaina


Although the use of natural user interfaces (NUI) has been growing, there is still a discussion of what is "natural" to a specific audience. This article presents an investigation on how children use and understand hands' natural movements (gestures) when interacting with an application, comparing them with the use of touch. The results demonstrated that there is a potential for NUI use as long as the gestures make sense to the children.
Como Citar
CASTRO, Elisa Marques de Castro; ZAINA, Luciana Martinez Zaina. Investigating the interaction of children through NUI in e- learning applications. Teste, [S.l.], mar. 2019. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 17 sep. 2024.